Support makes a person hollow, in the same way it weakens hopes. Start living by your own strength

Support makes a person hollow, in the same way it weakens hopes. Start living by your own strength
Support makes a person hollow, in the same way it weakens hopes. Start living by your own strength

Support makes a person hollow, in the same way it weakens hopes. Start living by your own strength

As a king of Iran entered his palace on a winter's evening, he saw an old gatekeeper guarding the palace's main entrance in an old and thin uniform. The king stopped his ride near him and asked the weak gatekeeper: "Isn't it cold?" The porter replied: "It looks great, sir. But what can I do? I don't have a warm uniform, so I have to put up with it." "I'll just go inside the palace and send you a warm pair of my own." The porter was pleased and greeted the king on the floor and expressed his gratitude, but as soon as the king entered the warm palace, he forgot the promise made to the porter. In the morning, the stunned body of the old janitor was found at the door, and on the ground nearby was the inscription with his frozen fingers: "Peace be upon you, King. The promise of warm clothes took my life. " * Support makes a person hollow, in the same way it weakens hopes. Start living by your own strength. **. Test your strength by throwing crutches

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