Why is the peanut called the poor man? Why Peanuts topped in Dried Fruits?


Why is the peanut called the poor man? Why Peanuts topped in Dried Fruits?
Why is the peanut called the poor man? Why Peanuts topped in Dried Fruits?

With the onset of cold weather, the sales of dried fruits increase and as the demand increases, so does the price of dried fruits and their prices start skyrocketing. In the season, if the rich enjoy chickpeas, almonds, pistachios and chickpeas, then the poor are forced to be content with peanuts only because of the exorbitant prices of dried fruits at that time.


The benefits of peanuts

In terms of its effects and benefits, peanuts are in no way inferior to other dried fruits and are rich in dried fruits. We will tell you today about some of its benefits.


1: Protein rich diet

A handful of peanuts not only meets the protein requirement in cold weather but its use not only provides heat and energy to the body but also gives it strength to fight against cold.


2: Helps in weight loss

Although peanuts, like other fruits, contain a large amount of fat, this fat is not harmful to health, as well as the large amount of fiber and protein in it helps in weight loss.



3: Protects against heart disease

The fat in peanuts lowers the dangerous cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of heart attack.


4: Useful for diabetics

Peanuts are one of the foods that are low in starch and have very low glycemic content which lowers blood sugar levels and is very useful for diabetics. -



5: A diet rich in minerals and vitamins

Peanuts contain large amounts of minerals, vitamins, proteins, omega 3, omega 6, biotin, vitamin 3, phosphorus and magnesium which give the body immunity and give it the strength to fight diseases.

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