Message to AIDS and HIV

Message to AIDS and HIV
Message to AIDS and HIV

Today we are living in the scientific age. Thanks to medical and scientific research, the world can know about the sex of the unborn child before birth, due to medical innovation, by examining the human kidney, heart, etc., we can understand their function and their life. There, all over the world, "the coronavirus has pushed us back at least a century, if not more." The corona virus has jammed the wheel of life, although "coronavirus is more deadly than HIV." Medical research has played a key role in alleviating the pain of life in a world where modern medical science in some cases leaves us completely helpless. Comes

AIDS is a deadly and deadly disease. 

The terror and fear of AIDS has blown humanity away. God forbid if someone gets HIV or AIDS, even blood relations do not touch them even though medical science is screaming that AIDS or HIV (breathing in the same air) by hugging, kissing Or shaking hands, using each other's dishes, using a shower for bathing, using each other's personal belongings, using the same machine in the gym, touching the toilet seat, doors Does not spread by touching the handle, the question arises what is AIDS or HIV?

AIDS is a disease that is spread by a virus that enters the body and destroys its immune system. It can spread from one person to another. The virus that causes it is called the human lyphadenopathy virus or HIV. The most common cause of this is unprotected sex, multiple use of needles or injections, or the entry of infected blood into the body.

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV and AIDS are used for the same disease but their meanings are different. HIV is the name of this particular virus while AIDS is the last stage of HIV infection. At this stage, the immune system of the person infected with HIV becomes extremely weak and they do not have the ability to fight cancer or other deadly diseases. If left untreated, HIV can reach the final stage of infection, AIDS, within a few years. However, not all HIV-positive people get AIDS. Proper treatment reduces the risk of AIDS and the risk of transmitting the virus to others. According to the National AIDS Program, 40,000 cases of HIV have been reported in Pakistan since 1986.

Sahib Iman knows that God has not revealed any disease which has not been cured. Then if we talk about the helplessness of the medical department, then we can understand that the disease which is a virus can also be cured. There is, but we have not been able to reach a cure. That is, one day the cure for today's incurable diseases will be discovered, for which we have to constantly investigate. Because the Almighty did not create any disease that Is not healed (except for death)

There is a misconception that man's illness (any disease, virus, etc.) is due to some sin or God's punishment. Not at all. One can call it a test or an examination

 It is not the result of sin because a person who suffers from any disease becomes very close to God, as narrated from Anas that the Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “When a Muslim suffers from a physical disease. Then the angel is told to write down his good deeds as he used to do. Then if the Almighty heals him, He washes him and purifies him, and if He causes him to die, He forgives him and has mercy on him. Explaining this hadeeth, Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “What a blessed saying: Glory be to Allaah. Our problem is that when we are sick or in trouble, we think that there is a test from God, but when we see others in the same pain, they say that it is God's grasp. However, the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Allaah wants to do good to someone, he should do it immediately.” He gives punishments in this world and when He wants the evil of a servant, He protects his punishment along with his sins. He will even give him the full punishment on the Day of Resurrection. ” Khan Naeemi (may Allah have mercy on him) says in his commentary on this hadith: “That is, being caught up in sins in this world is a sign of Allah's mercy. The intention of Allah is that all sins will be punished in the Hereafter. ”(Refuge of Allah) The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:“ When a servant is sick for three days, He goes out as if it were the day his mother gave birth to him. ”(Al-Jumu'ah al-Zawaid). Basic text Join now. And instead of hating the patient, the causes of love and the spread of the disease should be made public.

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